Let me unveil this: there's no mystics, no metaphysics needed to explain how the dance works.
Dance constists of three basic layers:
- technics
- musicality
- connection
Technics is what one could physically do with controlling own body.
Musicality is an ability to reproduce music with movements and shapes, both personal and common with partner.
Connection is a way to listen to your partner, challenge and respond. That includes both physical and emotional levels.
There's nothing in dance about exchanging energies or any other metaphysics or mystics. There's no need to use anything like this unless to conceal some lack of understanding of basic concepts. And at the same time, you could not build a good dance without that listed basic components. No energy-thing could replace them without loosing a quality of understanding.
The only thing that could be using "energies" is about personal preferences, when you like someone or not. And only because using this term is quicker than other explanations.
You may have a match with a person, or a nice feelings resonance between you. But it doesn't substitute any techniques in either way. It not about dancing, it's about personality
Learn real basics, not metaphysics!